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This post has the 15 best probiotics for baby constipation and what I used to help relieve my baby girl’s constipation.

baby probiotics for constipation

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Ever ask yourself: “Does my baby need probiotics?”

Finding the proper probiotics for baby constipation can be a lot of trial and error, but it is super important for baby’s overall wellness.

So many different strains of bacteria help our gut and do specific jobs.

The benefits of baby probiotics can improve their health and happiness.

My daughter was formula fed exclusively so finding a probiotic that kept her regular was crucial.

It is still a roller coaster in terms of her gut, and I never imagined how neurotic someone could be about pooping or not pooping, for that matter.

Since the digestive system is crucial to anyone’s overall health, probiotics for babies are always helpful.

With the baby’s digestive system still underdeveloped, navigating it is tricky and constantly changing.

It’s like trying to shoot a moving target.

I was looking at the strains and what they will help.

Remember, it’s all about the ingredients, not the brand, baby probiotics for constipation are not one in the same.

As a lover, believer, and avid user of probiotics myself, I wanted to ensure I could find probiotics that worked.

We are never feeling good when we are full of poop!

This post reviews the 15 best probiotics for baby constipation.

probiotics for baby constipation

Best Probiotics for Baby Constipation + Colic

From probiotics for babies under 1 year to the perfect probiotics for formula fed babies, let’s get into some fo the best baby probiotics for constipation and colic.

1. Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotics

gerbers soothe probiotics

Do probiotics help acid reflux in babies?

Yep! These Gerber baby probiotics do and are best for colic!

We were using Gerber Soothe Probiotics very early, by three weeks old, so it’s one of the best probiotics for babies under one year.

By then, we got my daughter on a formula that worked for her, and we were more comfortable reintroducing bacteria into her gut.

I put it in one of her afternoon bottles every day, and without fail, she would poop right there during that feeding, not during any other ones.

It was always a good amount and consistency.

She could burp and fart easily, never spit, and eat like a champ.

These are also helpful for colicky babies and are marketed towards that.

I can’t comment on the effectiveness of a colicky baby.

However, I researched and found the most common strain to aid a colicky baby is L. reuteri.

It is also one of the better probiotics for babies with constipation.

They also make these baby probiotic drops with Vitamin D.

Most baby probiotics do have this strain mixed with others.

Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotics has this strain, and I attribute its success to this specific strain and the fact it only had one strain within it.

Going the Gerber Soothe Probiotic route is going more minimal if you don’t want to overcomplicate things.

An l. reuteri probiotic for babies is necessary if your little one suffers from constipation, spit-up, and reflux.

However, considering there is only one strain in Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotics, it is pricier.

You must decide whether it’s worth pulling the trigger or finding something within your budget.

With that said, we still use these probiotics to this day.

Ultimately, this is the best probiotic for babies if you want to keep it simple and minimalist.

My daughter was exclusively formula fed, so these are some of the best probiotics for formula fed babies!

Super helpful baby probiotics for reflux.

Other Similar Probiotics:

2. BioGaia

biogaia 1

Another simple probiotic with one super effective strain is the BioGaia liquid probiotic drops.

It is slightly more affordable than the Gerber Soothe probiotics and can be easier to find.

Mix them in with a bottle of formula, or if a baby is exclusively breastfeeding, add five drops to their little mouth directly.

If your baby is struggling with spit-up, seems fussy, and isn’t pooping as regularly as they should, give the Biogaia baby probiotic drops a shot!

Like Gerber Soothe, BioGaia also has a variation with Vitamin D if you feel your little one could use more.

BioGaia is truly one of the best probiotics for acid reflux in babies.

3. Culturelle

culturelle probiotics 2

Culturelle is known for its super-effective probiotics for adults and kids!

Now, they have effective probiotics to treat colic too.

By helping your baby develop a healthy biome for digestive health, the Culturelle probiotics contain two different strains that have been proven effective in reducing your baby’s fussiness, restoring natural gut balance and flora, and promoting abundant nutrient absorption that is SO crucial for baby’s early development!

The Culturelle baby probiotic drops are a great long-term solution for your baby’s gut health and regularity.

They also have a chamomile variant to help give extra soothing to your little one’s upset tummy.

However, it is currently only available at Walmart.

Just like the probiotics above, Culturelle has a Vitamin D variant also! Woo!

Culturelle is one of the mom favorite liquid probiotics for babies.

Other Similar Probiotics:

4. Lovebug Probiotic Powder

lovebug probiotic powder intro

If you’re looking for probiotic powder for baby, Lovebug probiotic powders are great introductory probiotics and are a favorite in treating colic and gas! They are great probiotics for babies under 1 year old.

The first packet is for 0-6 month-olds containing three important strains for treating gas, colic, and constipation. Starting with fewer probiotics, in the beginning, can help the baby’s body tolerate the bacteria better, and then you can slowly introduce more if you feel it is necessary.

What’s great is Lovebug Probiotics has the next series of powders ready for babies.

Once you add more strains to their mix, they remove all the guesswork!

Similar Probiotics:

5. Optibac Probiotic Drops

optibac probiotcs

Optibac probiotic drops are one of the pediatricians’ most highly recommended probiotics for baby constipation.

It is specially formulated for newborns, is vegan, and has been clinically trialed in thousands of babies that found colic and constipation relief using these probiotics. It is one of the proven probiotics that baby can benefit from greatly.

It not only helps prevent spit-up and reflux, but it will also help build your baby’s gut flora to keep them healthy and regular.

Most Affordable Probiotics for Baby Constipation

Let’s get into some of the most affordable and proven probiotics baby can benefit from taking.

1. Smarty Pants Liquid Baby Probiotics

smarty pants liquid probiotics

The Smarty Pants Liquid Probiotics is a tremendous overall probiotic for digestive health.

They are phenomenal probiotic drops for babies.

Smarty Pants Baby Probiotics contains five different digestive strains to help with the digestive system and immune support, which I love.

Because of all the strains, these are the perfect probiotics for baby constipation.

  • Pentosaceus⎜contains anti-inflammation, anticancer, antioxidant, detoxification, and lipid-lowering abilities.
  • Longum⎜ treats gastrointestinal, immunological, and infectious diseases.
  • Rhamnosus⎜ treats IBS symptoms and diarrhea.
  • Animalis : restores flora balance.
  • Boulardii: treats diarrhea.

Not many people know that most of your immune system derives from the health of your colon.

When our colon is in good shape, it’s good to say the rest of you are feeling great too.

That’s why we must keep it moving, clearing out waste and reintroducing good bacteria (probiotics for babies) to keep healthy flora, digestion moving, and baby feeling in tip-top shape.

Good immunity-boosting bacteria are crucial for babies when their little bodies go through so much during that first year.

Smarty Pants Baby Probiotics does not contain the L. reuteri in which the Gerber Soothe probiotics excel.

Since we only used the Gerber soothe and this probiotic together, I can only say this was a great combination.

These probiotic baby drops are great for introducing your baby to good gut bacteria.

The best probiotics for baby constipation!

Related Reading: 15 Best Baby Constipation Remedies Moms Need To Know

2. Mary Ruth’s Infant Probiotic Drops

infant liquid probiotic

Mary Ruth’s Infant probiotic drops are affordable and effective for a baby’s gut health.

It contains a variety of strains that not only help with colic but promotes overall infant gut health and regularity.

Vegan, Non-GMO, and water-based, you can easily distribute them into baby’s bottle or put them directly into baby’s mouth before or after breastfeeding.

3. Pink Stork Baby Probiotics

pink stork baby

I love Pink Stork for its awesome and effective pregnancy, postpartum, and mood support supplements!

They are woman-owned and take pride in helping mom and baby adjust during 4th trimester.

Not only that, these are one of the most affordable baby probiotics for constipation you will find!

What’s great is you don’t have to sacrifice quality for price, woop!

4. Lovebug Baby Probiotic Drops

lovebug probiotics

Regarding probiotic drops for babies, Lovebug Probiotics are great because it has six different strains, including the colic-comforting L. Reuteri strain we all know and love.

  • Lactis ⎜ treats gas, bloating & visceral pain.
  • Reuteri ⎜ treats colic.
  • Plantarum⎜ modulates the immune system & anti-inflammatory.
  • Acidophilus⎜ helps break down sugars (lactose) into lactic acid.
  • Rhamnosus⎜ treats IBS symptoms & diarrhea.
  • Infantis ⎜ treats intestinal inflammation.

When I got these in a bind, we were out of our Gerber Soothe Probiotics, and of course, they were out of stock in any drugstore or Walmart I went to.

I pulled the trigger because Amazon had same-day delivery on these bad boys.

They were a lifesaver!

The ultimate probiotic drops for babies.

They are also great baby probiotics for reflux.

My daughter didn’t skip a beat; we used these until they ran out.

We did switch back to the Gerber Soothe Probiotics only because it was so tried and true to us but knowing how well these did work and that they have probiotics products that suit them as they grow, I will be switching back to this line.

It contains strains for gut health, digestion, immunity, and anti-inflammatory properties, which help keep the baby healthy and soothed.

It is also a more excellent value given that you get six strains that cost less than the Gerber Soothe Probiotics with one, AND it has vitamin D.

Overall, the quality is excellent.

You get six strains with additional vitamin D and is the cheapest.

Lovebug Probiotics take the win!

Probiotics for Baby Constipation + Immune Support

Most of our immune system resides in our gut. Keep baby’s gut healthy and baby will flourish.

1. Culturelle Baby Drops

culturelle vitamin d

We discussed how great Culturelle is in treating gas, colic, and constipation before, but what if baby needs an extra kick of immune support?

Culturelle has an effective probiotic variant that helps treat your baby’s constipation struggles and keeps the baby’s immune system in check.

Did you know that most of our immune system resides in our colon?

Yup, 70% of our immune system resides in our gut.

Makes sense why the US is in a health crisis now, huh?

If we aren’t feeding our colon the immune support and good bacteria to keep our health thriving, staying healthy and feeling good will be hard.

Help baby out by giving them a probiotic with sufficient immune support to keep their poops regular, remove waste promptly, and replenish baby’s colon to set them up for good health.

2. Zarbee’s Baby Probiotic Drops

Zarbees digestion

These Zarbee Probiotic drops are extremely effective at treating colic, gas, and constipation, and they will also set up your baby’s immune system for success.

They are also one of the more affordable baby probiotics on the market!

3. Mother’s Bliss Probiotic Drops

mothers bliss immune support

I love Mother’s Bliss not only because they are a mommy owned company but because they really prioritize natural ingredients and holistic healing practices.

Their infant probiotic drops with Vitamin D are effective in treating colic and help guide baby’s immune system back on track with a healthy biome.

Probiotics for Baby Constipation

Gut health, overall digestion, and probiotics are challenging to navigate as adults of our digestion, let alone our babies!

Finding the best baby probiotics that work for your baby can make the difference from a baby that is always crying and never contented to one that you can put in their swing for 10 minutes so you can poop alone for once!

I know how stressful baby digestion can be.

Once you have figured out their constipation issues, they start spitting up!

Once they stop spitting up now, they have diarrhea.

It is a carousel of problems due to their underdeveloped digestive systems, so it’s exhausting.

Once one baby probiotic that used to work stops working, you return to the market to find something else to help your baby.

I will continue to review probiotics and supplements as we go on.

As far as probiotics go, I know there is a lot, but they are not the same, and it’s always good practice to talk to your doctor about your baby’s digestive health and what strains of bacteria they believe would be most helpful for your baby.

Always talk to your pediatrician about digestive concerns and probiotics if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s digestive health.

Keep trying baby probiotic drops until you find the one that works best for your little one.

This post reviews the 15 best probiotics for baby constipation.

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